About CGI

We are an intellectually diverse scholarly community that challenges conventional, Eurocentric conceptions of ‘security’, instead thinking about a wider range of insecurities from a global perspective.

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About CGI

In our work to find progressive ways of addressing global insecurities, we:

Analyse how insecurities at the local level - from armed conflict to climate change, genocide, dispossession and marginalisation - are bound up with global structures, including the colonialism and capitalism.

Rethink traditional concepts of insecurity which treat state and non-state actors in the ‘global south and east’ as a perpetual source of threat, and states of the ‘global north and west’ as benign problem-solvers.

Broaden our frames of analysis by drawing on a range of critical, decolonial and postcolonial traditions, disrupting and dismantling established hierarchies of knowledge in doing so.

Decenter the dominant view that the security of the ‘global north’ can be achieved through military dominance, pacification and containment of the ‘global south’.


Our experts are available for media interviews, collaborations with civil society organisations, and supervision of PhD projects. Find out more about our research themes and recent publications.